Music Videos - What is it?
- Length of a song or longer
- Usually features the artist/band
- Can tell a story
- Has to be visually memorable
History Of Music Videos
1930s - Colour Box
- Colourful
- Patterns in time with music
- No people in video
- Lights, textures and scratched films
1940s - Frim Fram Sauce
- Artist present
- One location
- Black and white
- Introduces the idea of a sub-story (imagination)
- Artists had their own music TV shows to perform their music
- Most artists had a film career too e.g. Elvis
1960s - These Boots Are Made For Walking
- More of a narrative
- Black and white
- Wider range of camera shots (hand held shots too)
- People i.e. dancers around artists to make them seem more popular
- Scoptiones introduced - jukebox for videos
- Narrative slowly introduced
- Simple
- Mainly filmed in studio
1970s - Bohemian Rhapsody
- More advanced
- Layered shots to add variation
- 2 different stories
- Lights/textures
1980s - Rat Race and I Want To Dance With Somebody
- MTV introduced in 1981.
- Narrative
- Artists
- Studio
- Different locations
- Wider range of shots; low angle, pans, zoom ins, zoom outs etc.
- Reference to song title (Rat Race)
- Whitney Houston's video was the 56th video ever played, also first black artist's video on MTV
1990s - Drop
- Bigger budgets - only 40 videos hit the $1 million price to make.
- Scream by Michael Jackson costed $10 million to make
- This video they had to learnt the lyrics backwards
- Used dollies to film.
2015 - Hello
- 485 millions views
- 27.7 million within the first 24 hours
- Fastest video to reach 100 million views in 5 days
- Different types of phones to represent the 'hello'
- Extremely detailed close ups; the steam and fire on the stove
- POV shots as flashbacks
Case Study: 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'
- 17 out of 21 shots
- 21 seconds screen time (shots per second)
- Conventions; dancing, exhibitionism, close up and extreme close ups, irregular framing/fragmented bodies, looking at camera
- Colour changing backgrounds
- Bright colours
- Different scene for verses
- Slow mo hair flicks
- Several costume changes
- Dance routines
- Genre characteristics
- Relationship between lyrics and visuals
- Relationship between sound and visuals
- Sells artist as a star
- Voyeurism
Relationship: Lyrics and Visuals
- Dance partners
- Night time
- Key symbols - throw guys away
Relationship: Sound and Visuals
- Look changes to music to music - heat = warm colours (orange, red, yellow)
- Editing paced changes with temp
Sells Artist
- 'Lonely heart song' - object of desire
- Romantic obsession
- Obsessive close ups
- Frames within frames
- Looking over fence/through window
- Fragmented and objectified bodies
- Film strip
- Multiple dance genres
- Costume/set changes
Making Music Videos
- Same frame, different shots
- One position for lighting and camera
- Repeat use of props
- Consistent theme/genre of characters
- Green screen/ studio performance.
- Do one idea well
- Simple narrative
- Controlled environment
- D-SLR camera
- Lights - grease proof paper to soften and gel rolls
- Fans, confetti, wind, glitter etc.
10 Steps To Making Music Videos
1. Start Performance
- Technical kit
- Locations prep
- Props/costumes
- Time frame
2. Warm Up
8. Editing
- Lip sync practice
- Photoshoot with artists
- Ancillary task practice
3. Recce
- Limit locations
- Take photos
- Make sure location has access to lights and power
- Risk assessment
4. Pitch
- 'Treatment'
- Moodboard
- Ancillary task (advert and website)
5. Planning
- Plan your ideas, don't get carried away
- Re-plan to ensure idea becomes reality
6. Plan Everything
- Story boards
- People, places and props - in advanced
- Shoot schedule
- Technical prep - SD cards, batteries, lights
- Shoot early - not near the deadline.
- Make sure performers are rehearsed
7. Shoot
- 10 times with different set ups
- Have plenty of cutaways
- Shoot extra angles and lighting changes
- Get lots of close ups
- Motivate performers
8. Editing
- Sync all clips
- Paper edit - storyboard
- Rough cuts and get feedback
9. Evidence
- Show all research
- Photos of the shoot
- Behind the scenes
- Screenshots
10. Evaluation
- Make it exciting
- Directors commentary, 'DVD Extras'
- Interviews on Director's website
All information from this day can be found here:
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